Introduction to SkySentinel #
SkySentinel is an advanced system designed to monitor the pilot’s attentiveness during flight. Its implementation in SimFly aims to ensure the highest level of flight safety and passenger welfare by continuously verifying the active presence of the pilot within the simulator.
How SkySentinel Works #
SkySentinel operates on a straightforward and non-intrusive principle. At random intervals during the flight, a message is presented to the pilot within the simulator, featuring a basic math question with three possible answers. The pilot’s task is to select the correct answer within a 15-minute time limit from when the question appears. This process is designed to be simple yet effective in maintaining the pilot’s focus.
Response Management #
Acknowledging the possibility of occasional distractions or human errors, SkySentinel allows for a single mistake. If a pilot makes two consecutive errors or fails to respond within the 15-minute limit, the current mission will be automatically cancelled. In such cases, a notification will be displayed both within the simulator and on the mission’s webpage. It’s important to note that each question also includes a specific deadline (in Zulu time) by which a response is required.
Critical Phases of Flight #
Mindful of not wanting to interfere with crucial flight phases, SkySentinel is designed to be particularly discreet. Although it remains active for the entire duration of the flight, from takeoff to landing, it endeavors not to disturb the pilot immediately after takeoff and during the landing preparations. This ensures that the pilot’s focus is where and when it is most needed.
Message Repetition and Frequency #
SkySentinel’s messages are generated at random intervals and may appear multiple times during the same flight. This feature ensures that the system is effective in keeping the pilot’s attention without following a predictable pattern that could be easily ignored or anticipated.
In summary, SkySentinel represents a fundamental component within the SimFly ecosystem, designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of simulated flight through a non-invasive but effective method of verifying the pilot’s presence and focus.